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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

US Navy Celebration!

Last weekend the Navy Air force celebrated their one hundredth year in San Diego, with over 200 planes representing each decade for the past one hundred years. The Blue Angles did a fly over, but the demonstrations of the modern aircraft were amazing. They had an aircraft that converts from a plane to a helicopter while in flight. A modern jet that can hover in mid air. Attack helicopters and many others including the many vintage war planes. The celebration lasted all day with several ships open to the public for viewing, including two Aircraft Carriers.

We had a great time, having a ring side seats on a friends converted Trawler, where we barbecued steaks and enjoyed the show along with some great company. My daughter came over with us and had a great time taking photos of the aircraft as they flew over. There was also a guy driving a woody station wagon bodied boat around with a huge flag.

Yesterday Tammy drove me to town to pick up the rebuilt injection pump and take the exhaust riser to a welding shop to cut the rusted pipe out of the flange that bolts to the engine. She has been a God send, driving us around all the time. I don,t know what we would have done without her. She is a great daughter and I am very proud of her.

Some photos Tammy took at the show

 Seems that there is always a clown around! 
                                                                                                                                                              San Diego from our anchorage  

 My Daughter "Tammy"
Our Frinds Converted Trawler 
 Judy Kicking Back
  I wonder if I will ever get it back together and if so will it run?

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