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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

Wind Raven
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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Back to Loreto

Yesterday I fiber-glassed the holes beside the companionway, cleaned about one third of the bottom and studied the manual on the solar charger. My plan for today was to finish cleaning the bottom, and get ready to go to immigration in Loreto tomorrow. At around 9:am I decided it would be more prudent to leave for Loreto today. I this way I will be at their door when they open in the morning. After that FM-2 stuff is over I can get what I need at the stores in town and head back.

Carlos takes his weeks vacation next week, so we are going out to the islands to do some sailing and fishing. Speaking of fishing, I put out a Magnum Rapala type lure (big) on the way over. About a mile out I got a hit, and a fish was on for a couple of minutes, while I decreased throttle and put the boat in neutral. As I picked up the rod the fish spit out the lure. The boat was still coasting slowly forward from its momentum and I pulled hard on the rod to make sure it was off. As I reeled up the slack a BIG FISH hit the lure HARD! I set the hook and out of habit I had my thumb on the spool to make sure I got a good set. BIG MISTAKE! The reel started singing as this HUGE FISH took off, stripping line off really, really fast. I now have a huge blister on my thumb where it rested on the spool. Damn, that got hot fast! I had a 60lb leader and 150lb line and I could not turn the fish, and let me tell you, that was a first and I have been fishing since I was about nine. Long story short, He took out about 800 yards of line before he snapped/bit the leader in two. I have no idea what kind of fish it was for sure, but I would lay odds it was a very big Marlin. It acted like one anyway. As usual "THE BIG ONE GOT AWAY". But ya know, I wouldn't have it any other way! Makes me want to GO FISHING!

Here is a photo of the fiberglass repair!




Monday, June 25, 2012

With all good there always seems to be some bad. About all one can do is hope the good outweighs the bad. The good news is that the Auto Pilot is continuing to perform great, and the new solar control is now installed and seems to be functioning properly. At least the indicator light patterns, which are quite complicated, indicate it is working.


The bad news is that I now have to purchase and pack water, due to the low oil level in desalinator. This condition will persist until I am able to locate some 30 weight non-detergent oil to fill it back to the required level. More bad news is that my batteries were down to 12.0V this morning. It was cloudy yesterday, so I hope that is the problem.


The good news is that while walking back from the Tienda a truck pulling a panga pulled up and offered to sell us some lobster. I declined, due to the fact they are out of season and I have enough problems without tempting fate, or the game warden. When Dale and I arrived back at the dinghy and were about to push off, the truck, minus the panga, came speeding up and stopped about a hundred feet away. The same Mexican jumped out and came running over with my wallet in his outstretched hand. Unbelievable, it had been almost three weeks. He found it on the beach four miles north of where I lost it. Of course the money was gone, which I minded not at all, as all of my irreplaceable items were present, be they in a somewhat soggily confused condition. I only had a little over 200 pesos on me, but I added that to what had been the wallet and thanked him profusely. Hell, I even gave him a great big hug!


The bad news is that it cost me almost a thousand dollars in fees, gas, etc. to replace all the documents that I now have, or will have duplicates of. It's not like the states, where for a nominal fee you can get duplicates. Here you have to reapply and pay for brand new documents. For example the FM-2 replacement cost $942 pesos, the fishing license was $592 pesos, etc. etc.


The good news is that I canceled my Visa card before it could be used by anyone, which saved me a lot of 
future problems.


The bad news is that I can't use the old card, so I am stuck here from ten to twenty days waiting to see if the new card will even get here to me, before I run completely out of dinero!


THE GREAT NEWS is that I now have plenty of time to work on the boat and I have already started!


Thursday, June 21, 2012


I have not posted on the blog for awhile due to everything in my life taking a negative turna ll of the sudden. I am not going to mention it all, as some of the negativity still persists in dogging my heels and causing undue stress, of which I have no desire to pass on to my readers.




After arriving in the anchorage at Ensenada Blanca, Dale and I went to the Tienda to replenish our supplies. Upon arriving back at my boat I discovered that my wallet was missing from my pocket. I retraced my steps searching for it in the vain hope of its discovery. Looking back on that day, I am almost positive that it either fell out of my pocket when jumping into the dinghy, or when boarding Wind Raven. It really doesn’t matter how or where I lost it. The fact was that it was gone with all of my Identification and a goodly sum of my money.




I spent the following couple of weeks changing my residence to Loreto and applying for a new FM-2, as they won’t give me a copy. I also had to buy a new fishing license and Park Pass. I also had to cancel my bank card and order a new one, which was sent to Judy in the States. The next problem was/is getting it here. I met an acquaintance from last year (Carlos) who helped me fill out the Spanish applications on line and said he would supply me with a desperately needed address for Judy to send my bank card to. I should have the address soon and will give it to Judy. The bank card will take a couple of weeks to get here, if it gets here. This has been a very stressful time for me, but I can see light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.
So now you know why I have not posted on the blog. If I had posted before I had any solutions, all I would be doing is whining! There are two more issues that came down at the same time that are not resolved at present, but hopefully will be soon, and I will be able to get on with my cruising. In the meantime “here I sit”, in beautiful Ensenada Blanca!




OH! I caught my first Dorado day before yesterday, and it was delicious!                                                     

Friday, June 8, 2012

Auto Pilot

While in La Paz I met a fellow biker (Dale) who built his 37 ft steel sailboat and is back in the sea to reap the benefits. A few days back When walking my deck, I thought I heard someone call my name and when I looked around Dale was standing on his boat anchored close by, waving at me. He came over later and we got to talking about boats. I mentioned my auto pilot didn't work and told him that it hadn't worked since I had the control box rebuilt almost a year ago, and the warranty was almost up. He volunteered to come by the next morning and check it out. He is good at electrical and computers which I am not, so he went to work on it. After he had read the installation manual and the trouble shooting guide, we went on the internet to the Alpha Marine Systems website to locate the electrical checking procedure and he performed all tests that that were on the site to no avail.

The Ensenada Blanca wi-fi internet connection had been encrypted the day before, due to a few cruisers abusing the privilege, by downloading movies for days, using up the band width. The locals are now angry, as they have no wi-fi access. I don't understand why a few always have to ruin a good thing for everyone through their greed and lack of consideration for others. Anyway, the only wi-fi available now has a very weak signal here. As a result I can no longer get a good Skype connection, so when we called Alpha it took many hours and many dis-connected (failed/cut-out) calls. The good news is that Dale got it working on the third morning. Yep, after over a year without an auto pilot, it now works once again. That means that I can now sail with the Mainsail up along with the jib. Thank you Dale!

Yesterday we went into the village to get some gas and supplies. There wasn't anyone at the gas place so we went back to the Tienda for supplies. While there the lady from the gas place came by and said I could get gas now. I had 36 eggs on an egg carton flat that Dale volunteered to drop by my boat while I went with the gas lady. When I got to the beach Dale was about 150 yards off shore rowing his dinghy into the wind towards his boat. I figured his motor wouldn't start so went out to ask him if he needed a tow. Now I can't say that he was in the best of moods when I reached him. In fact he was kinda pissy-faced. It seems that when he got to his boat he laid the eggs down on the seat and turned around to start his engine. It refused to start no matter how many times, or how hard he pulled the rope. He stated that he got very focused on balancing while pulling on the starter rope, to a point that he failed to notice that the waves were washing him towards shore. Well, when the boat hit shore it abruptly stopped....he didn't, but he caught his balance.....almost! Yep he landed on the seat, right on top of 36 eggs. I can attest that it wasn't a very pretty site with egg yokes all over him and the bottom of his dinghy. I apologized for laughing, but I just couldn't help laughing all afternoon every time I thought about it.

 About a month ago a panga ran Dale down in front of Marina De La Paz. These pangas run around very fast with their bows high in the air, which blocks their vision directly in front of their boat. The panga ripped his outboard right off his dinghy when it ran over the top of him, just missing Dale. They brought up the motor off the bottom of the bay about ten days later. The guys that ran him down took the outboard to their mechanic to be fixed. They brought it back in running condition, and gave it back to Dale. I had Dale remove the tank and lines to clean them out, which he did. He doesn't know mechanics so wanted me to show him how to repair it. I told him it was most likely the carburetor. Today I removed, dis-assembled, and cleaned it, while explaining what I was doing and why. It was obvious that they had not cleaned it out, as it was full of salt deposits. It now runs fine and Dale has a little more mechanical knowledge.

Tomorrow we will try to align his prop shaft a little better.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bahia Candeleros

I'm not sure which is the original name, but the bay where Hotel Palmar is located is called Bahia Candeleros and Ensenada Blanca. I have noticed that several places here in the Sea of Cortez have two names. My amigo Anibal once complained of the gringos re-naming the bays and points here. He seemed pretty upset about it, so I didn't press the issue. I can understand his chagrin, I mean what gives foreigners the right to change names in any country other than their own? That brings to mind Countries that have changed their names. Today It's hard to tell what area the news is referring to, because the name of the country has changed at least once since you took geography in school. As an example, check out this site about country name changes. But WHY? http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/hist_country_names.htm



Okay, back to the bay! I have just been procrastinating about what I should do and where to go, or if I should go or stay. Maybe I should stick around for Dorado season, but then again what about hurricane season? I need to haul out in Guaymas to do the bottom, so maybe I should head north to Guaymas or Bahia de Los Angeles and then go to Guaymas later. Then again I could stay in the Loreto area for Dorado season and hope there are no hurricanes that come this way, or if they do, I have a chance to take shelter. It worked last year. If I wait to go I can save up more money and maybe have enough to paint the sides of the boat. It surely needs it. But I could get caught with my pants down, so to speak. If I leave now I will have to leave Guaymas at the height of hurricane season. Where would I go then? To Bahia Los Angeles? What then, sit and wait it out? Hell, I think I'll just sit here and procrastinate for awhile. Maybe the Dorado will start coming in and they will decide for me? Sounds like a plan!



I met some friends of Drew and Shelly's today from Canada. I took some photos of them wind surfing yesterday and Chris came by today to get them. They seem to be a nice couple. If they are anything like Drew and Shelly I know they are.