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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I just want to thank an old friend that bailed me out of a very stressful situation of late. A few days ago I was informed that I could no longer store my Harley where it has been stored in Oregon. It was a safe secure private home that is no longer available to me. Now this was very disturbing news, since I was not given prior notice of the mandatory removal of said vehicle. It is not easy to comply with such a demand when you are over two thousand miles from the location in another country. I will not bore you with the details, but let it be said that I was very upset and extremely stressed out over the possible loss of my bike if I did not move it!

I sent an e-mail to an old friend in Nevada who some of you know as a person who comments regularly on this blog under the name "Crazy Coyote."  Our friend ship goes back to when we double dated in High School. He came to mexico not long ago for a visit and some fishing on Wind Raven. You may remember the photos of him with a large Red Snapper. In the e-mail I told him of my dilemma and asked if there were any places there that might take my bike on consignment. He not only said he would check on it, but said that he and his partner would get a trailer, drive up to Oregon, pick up the bike and haul it back, store it in his daughters body shop, and put it on consignment in one of the many Harley Shops there if I wanted. As if that wasn't enough, he refused to take any compensation for his efforts, gas, or other any other expenses incurred. His only request was that he might take it for a ride around the block when he got it home. Of course I acquiesced. This is a "thank you" and "tribute" to a long time friend from the days of old. They just don't make them like you any more Coyote. You are a true "Biker Brother," and there is no higher compliment that I can give any man!




  1. Thank You Bones for the complement. You forgot to mention that I am going to install training wheels on your Harley that match my Harley which is in the picture of your bike. Yes I will send pictures for you to share when the job is done. I am sure that some of your 1% crew will love the pictures. Yes I am crazy and I do have free access to a body shop to get the job done ;-)

  2. If you need training wheels to ride it, I guess I better tell you how to start it? First turn on the ignition. What ignition, you say? The toggle switch under the molded frame at the top of the rear head, on the right side. In about an hour, when you find the switch,leave it off. With the switch off,turn on gass, open lever on top of carb all the way. NOTICE..DO NOT OPEN THROTTLE. With ignition off..Dry kick it through seven (7) times. Bring kicker to top on compression stroke. Turn on ignition. REMEMBER..NO THROTTLE..IT should start on first kick if you did it right. As it warms up, lower lever on top of carb slowly. Then go have some fun!

  3. Thanks for the help. Got think i have it down in my head. I have watched It being done many tomes. Even a few times when it did not cooperate and kicked back like a mule because the timing was too advanced.

  4. Crazy Coyote- You are a hero in my book.....thanks for being such a great friend and helping Jay out with his scooter relocation issue.......Not too many people have a friend as great as you are! Took a great load off of MY shoulders I can tell you! hugs from JewDee

  5. JewDee,
    No problem, Annie and I have it all set up for a May 12th pickup since she is in southern Oregon which make my drive about 7 hours rather than 10 hours.

  6. Crazy Coyote,

    There is a GOLD STAR on the Highway to Heaven with YOUR NAME on it! Muchos gracias mia amigo! JewDee
