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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Friends Sharing Knowledge!

Last week I invited Anibal , Aldonza and Avelino to go to the Islands for a few days and do some fishing. As it turned out the wind put a damper on the fishing, but the exploring was fantastic, more about that later. 


 I spent the two days prior to leaving in preparation of our trip, making sure all was well and provisioning, securing my Dink on the bow etc. They came out to Wind Raven in Anibals cousin’s inflatable dinghy,which we were taking along to fish out of . After unloading It and getting their things secured below, we tied it to the stern in preparation of an early start in the morning. Everyone was tired but excited to be off in the morning.

   THE CREW!     





 My three guests had a bit of a hard time sleeping in their new surroundings, and of course about the time they began sleeping soundly, it was time for me to get up. I tried very hard to be as quiet as possible, and did quite well, I might add. That is until it was time to hook up the GPS and forward looking sonar. You see, a while back we were having some problems with thefts on our boats. As a precaution, I hung my Mega Phone beside the companionway entrance and ran some invisible line from the switch to the companionway boards. Now this Mega Phone is equipped with an optional Police siren, and when I say that it is extremely loud, I am making a horrendous understatement. I’m sure you have guessed what's coming, but let me tell you how it happened.

I can't remember the names of the numbered plants, so am waiting for Anibal to name them.

 Up to this point I had been as quiet as a mouse on Christmas Eve, but it was now time to go out into the cockpit to install the electronic screens on the podium. I was worried about making noise going up the squeaking companion ladder and waking someone up, so was a bit mentally distracted. As quietly as possible I reached into the garage and picked up the GPS and sonar screens. As I brought them under the Mega Phone, the loop on the end of invisible line hooked onto the GPS’s mounting bracket. Boy, is that SOB loud or what? Needless to say, we got off to an early start, with all hands up and about. That is after we quit holding our sides from laughing so hard. Aldonza was laughing so hard I was afraid she might bust a gut, literally. It was great the way they all took it in good humor. No morning grumps in that family! 


There wasn’t much wind so we motor sailed out to Ensenada Grande, a very beautiful and protected anchorage on Isla Partida. We arrived in the early afternoon and enjoyed some kickback time in this beautiful calm bay.  On our second day we went exploring up a canyon where I learned how to spot old sites. It was quite a hands on education. The way the ancient indigenous people survived in this land is truly amazing. Especially the way they gathered their food. I thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with me Anibal.


As I said previously, the fishing wasn't good, but Avelino did manage to catch one off the deck of Wind Raven that we ate for breakfast. We went out in the inflatable and in the dink a few times but only caught a few very small fish. The bigger fish just weren't interested!


The reason I am holding Avelino's fish with pliers is because they crush coral with their teeth to eat and they bite very hard. Once they have a hold of you they won't let go. Yes, I know this from experience, and I have the scars to prove it!  



 Avelino stayed with the dinghy to make sure it would be there when we returned. What a great kid he is. In five days, I never heard him complain once, not about anything. He is a very happy camper. He also helped me with my Espanol and I his English. We went up a canyon and across the top of a mountain, discovering several caves used by primitives in ancient times.


The terrain is a bit unstable and one must use extreme caution while ascending and descending, watching for cracks and loose rocks. It is also a wise person who keeps a sharp eye and ear out for rattle snakes. Yes they are coming out of hibernation about now and one must be very cautious. We didn’t see any, thank God.  As far as I’m concerned he could have left them out of his plan completely. I can’t handle snakes especially poisonous ones, and you can take that either way you wish, for they both apply. I could go on and on about this, but pictures are much better than words, so I will try not to bore you too much.





Anibal knows many people including the ecological tourist guides, fishermen and boat captains. He is a store of information. I am actually looking forward to returning to La Paz next winter so I can see and experience more of their culture, and do much more exploring with Anibal. He is writing an illustrated book on archeological sites he has discovered in BCS, and is licensed by the Government to do so. I feel very privileged to be his friend and to have been taken into his confidence. He showed me his book templates and all of his fantastic photos that he has taken for his book and I can't wait for it to be published, so I can buy one.  I wish I could tell all of what I have learned, but I could never betray his trust in me. You will just have to wait for his book to come out also. I will let you know when it is published!




We were gone about five days. We did so much in those few days it seems to have blended together without too much distinction. It was just one hell of a good time with some great local people, that turned out to be greater friends. I can only hope everyone had as good of a time as I did.



As the times come back to me in the future I promise to add them to this, or as quips in future blogs. In the mean time, enjoy the photos!


  1. Oh I can relate to that horn and how loud it is. Nice family and great pictures. Does Anibal know that he is taking Bones out to look for bones.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. An interesting comment Coyote, I'll have to ask him. You know he said that I was like a kid up there. I probably was, as it brought back my memories of the many discoveries of fossils, petroglyphs, old mines and ghost towns, I discovered in the High Sierras back in the days of old. I'm sure you can relate to those days!

    1. Damn I had a hell of a time getting that post out in full. I had to delete it twice before it was complete. Plus,I can't seem to remove the slag!

  5. I had all kinds of problems also. Their system must be loaded up.

  6. Wonderful Bay!!! What nice pictures! Thanks Jay! Looks like it is a wonderful life for you.
