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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

Wind Raven
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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Leaving La Paz?

Okay, I was supposed to leave yesterday, but as usual Wind Raven decided to stay a bit longer. I have no idea why she insists on staying, but in the long run I can only hope it will be for the best. I am now faced with another dilemma. While preparing for my departure I discovered oil in the bilge. In twelve hours of running the engine was down about a half a quart of oil. This would not seem to be a threat to the engine unless it got worse. The problem is that I think it might be a hole in the pan. If so, the question is, will it enlarge itself through the vibration of the engine. The pan is touching the bottom of the bilge and I feel that it might have caused the pan to rust, creating a small hole.

My options;
 I can stay here where parts, mechanics, and semi-safe anchorage are more readily available. I say semi-safe because of the opposing winds and currents that cause the La Paz waltz. I can sail North and try to make the repair in an anchorage that, if the leak becomes serious, could cause still more serious problems. I want to go North, but is it worth the risk? The main problem is that once I have the motor mounts loose and the engine raised ( to access the pan ), I would only be able to move under sail. I could also have problems with the motor mounts, since they are rusted and might have to be replaced. The slips are too expensive down here to even consider, so one way or the other, I will be at the mercy of the weather. My plan at present is as usual to vie with caution and safety in mind. That seems to be to stick around here at least until I know the exact cause of the leak. That means to get a second opinion from a good mechanic. At least then I can maybe make an informed decision. As you know, I had this leak supposedly repaired by a mechanic who assured me that it was not the pan, but a valve cover leak that was running down the block. Well it looks like he was full of it, as   the bilge testifies. Boy, when it rains, it pours!

Steve, I tried to comment on your blog, but couldn't. Is there some special way to do it, or doesn't your new blog site allow comments?


  1. Hey Jay, sorry to hear about the engine problems. Having been anchored out in La Paz w/o the use of my engine for awhile, I don't envy you. The way boast drag, it's nice to be able to move when necessary. Matter of fact, we had to move over to the Magote yesterday evening when Iron Butterfly was swinging around wildly at anchor, threatening to hit us and several others. Of course, no one was aboard Iron Butterfly. Have you priced the Virtual Marina (Vista Coral). I saw a boat tied to a mooring inside the new enclosure. Should be cheaper than the marinas. Tying up to one of their docks might also be reasonably priced. Worth a check anyway.

    As far as commenting on my blog, not sure why you couldn't comment. I get a lot of comments from others. If you click on the "5 comments" (or however many there are), you'll go to a page showing all the comments. Down at the bottom is a box that says "Leave A Reply". You have to put in an e-mail address , etc (no anonymous comments on Wordpress). Let me know if you have any more trouble with it.

    We were planning to leave today but right now it looks like Friday morning is more likely.


  2. I know what you mean about boats anchoring too close. That's why I anchor on the upper end of Magote. So far I haven't had any problems over here, and to date I have never drug anchor, even in a norther in Bahia Balondra on Isla Carmen. The possibility does concern me though. I will check out the Virtual Marina, thanks. According to Sunrisa Net strong North winds are predicted starting Thursday. Keep an eye on the weather, and have a great sail.

  3. Ahhhhhhhh----the continuing saga of Raven the VERY expensive gal pal....now I know why my friend Pat calls them "Money sucking boats!" There is a Grateful Dead song just for you: it's entitled "I need a Miracle" (every DAY!!!!) Happy sailing and let's hope Raven gets her act together and stops being such a high maintenance girlfriend! Love, J
