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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day One!

I spent the last three days helping Judy get all of her ducks in a row in preparation for her departure on the 11th of this month. I can't believe she got so many clothes and SHOES past me and stowed away on Wind Raven without my knowledge. Sneaky, very sneaky Judy. She had about eight bags that I went through for her. Rolling the clothes tightly (navy style) and condensing them so that there were only five, plus her carry on bag, which weighed at least 40lbs.

Departure Day Sunrise

Bill of Wandering Puffin graciously offered to transport Judy and her luggage to the airport from the marina. Judy and I wrestled her largest bag (24" x 43" x 14"), that weighed around 80 to 90lbs, out of the cockpit onto the deck. In order to accomplish this feat we had to maneuver it past the dodger that has only about 10" of deck between the dodger and the deep six. We actually managed to do it without loosing the bag or ourselves overboard. Luckily the waters were calm at the time. Unfortunately that condition didn't last long. The rollers started to come in and the wind picked up prior to the time that I was supposed to meet Bill at his dock. Judy called him ,asking if we could bring them over early, he acquiesced. Well, I headed out with the large bag in the bow with two more overstuffed bags mid ship. I could barely see over the largest bag and the Dink rolled precariously over the white capped swells all of the way over to the marina. We took the remaining bags over with us later, and would you believe that the water had calmed by then? Go figure!

This will be my first day without Judy's company. I will miss her smiling face. She is a great lady, but she just wasn't cut out for this lifestyle. It will be a major transition in my life style and in my daily routines also. However, time cures all, as they say, so one must look on the bright side. I will now have more time to complete my repairs and do the required maintenance, which in turn should reduce my breakdowns. At least that is what it says in small print.

I wish Judy the best always and hope she finds the happiness she so desires in Oregon, with her children and grandchildren. It certainly has been an adventure she can tell them many stories about!

Departure Sunset


  1. Jay, I hope that your new life will be filled with fun. Sorry to hear that Judy couldn't make it. Wishing you both my best.

  2. Hi Kathy, Thanks for your concern. Not to worry, I'll be fine. I just hope that Judy finds what she is looking for. She is with her daughter Moriah in Sweet Home, OR. If you need her e-mail let me know.
    By the way, I am looking for person(preferably female) for a working relationship as crew on Wind Raven. If you know any that would like to sail the Sea of Cortez and get out of the cold, have them get in touch.
