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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year

Yesterday Richard, Tammie's mom's husband, treated us to a day at the Maritime Museum, and lunch at a local seafood restaurant by the statue of the sailor kissing a girl in Times Square at the end of World War Two. We had a great time and really enjoyed exploring the Replica 18th century British warship, HMS Secret, used in "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World," that is parked next to two old subs that can be toured at ones leisure. Also a  beautiful 1904 Steam vessel with a sleek traditional sail type hull. Before we leave here we will visit the museum on board an aircraft carrier built in 1945. Our long time friend Jim said it is a must see!

I am finally catching up on my boat work. I believe to have solved the "water in fuel" problem, but won't know for sure until we are headed to Ensenada once again. Speaking of "water in the fuel" we purchased a fuel pollisher on e-bay to take along with us. Figured it to be cheap insurance for the contaminated fuel in Mexico that we hear so much about. As soon as it gets here we can head south.We also purchased a Honeywell generator from Costco. It turned out not to be anywhere near "Whisper Quiet" like they claimed. It about drove us crazy the three weeks we had it. It also was not feasible due to it's excessive fuel consumption. In the end we returned the poor generator to Costco-got a refund and purchased a used Honda EU 2000i  generator on e-bay. What a differance. It is "Whisper Quiet" and is very fuel efficient.We also purchased some solar lights at Wal Mart to put on our stantions at night and have already lost four, due to the tops falling off overboard. Yesterday I taped the tops on with Gorilla tape. (Judy swears this is the only "DUCT TAPE" of any value left to purchase in the US-of which I agree whole heartedly!---must not be made in China!).

The Nissan 3 1/2 hp outboard we bought in Eugene before we left had a problem with water flow that I was suspicious of. It pumped water, but I didn't feel it pumped as much as it should. Last week I decided to check it out, but couldn't get it to fire, and it was flooding out. Damn, I really didn't need more to do, so I farmed it out to a certified Nissan mechanic. He (Dan Perkins) of San Diego, turned out to be highly professional and extreemely honest. A rare trait it seems these days. When finished he asked "which do you want first, the good news, or the GOOD NEWS?" He then proceeded to inform me that the engine was in almost new condition and barely broken in. He also said if I changed my mind about selling it, he would buy it for nearly TWICE what I paid for it!!! It is now performing flawlessly.

After extensive research on lifts and yards in Mexico, it has been decided not to haul out in Ensenada. We will sail to the Sea of Cortez and do it there, as the prices are much lower and they don't charge you to use your own paint, or to do your own work. It is only $15 a day in the yard.

I must close and get to work. Judy just found water in the bilge again, so I must find the source and fix it. Also today I must fix the leak on the exhausts wet muffler and find out why one of the bilge pumps "went on holiday" so to speak. Cheers, and have a great year!


  1. It sounds like you two are finally getting a bit of good news, for a change. I've got one of the Honda EU2000's and love it and I know it'll be handy down South. Maybe not worth its weight in gold but close. If a person had a good source of lightly used Honda gens (and inflatables) he could make a killing :) I've heard similar reports about Ensenada as well. Lots of folks recommend La Paz, but my only experience has been with Marina Real in San Carlos (kinda fussy, but no worse than up here, reasonably priced, do the work yourself or supervise everything and get a firm price in writing, the usual in Mex).

    Hope that the weather hasn't been too rough on you, cold and rainy up here of course.


  2. Jason, You can get my personal e-mail address from Dave & Char. Yes the Honda is great, and oh so quiet. The e-mail address you used is an address we only used for on line purchases. It is now shut down. Thanks for the heads up. Hope it didn't cause any problems.

  3. Hey guys,
    Sounds like we might see you sooner than expected. The word around Club Cruceros in La Paz is that the Atalanta yard adjacent to Marina Palmira will let you stay on your boat and do your own work but I haven't confirmed that for sure. They appear to be primarily a storage yard so it may be true. Downside is that they only have porta-potties, or so I hear. However, the marina is right next door and there are bathrooms open during the day for the restaurants and general use. Worth looking in to. I'll try to find out more before you head out. If your Nissan 3.5 is as reliable as ours (starts on the 1st pull), you'll love it.

    See you soon.
    -Steve & Lulu

  4. PS: still recommend you check into Mexico in Ensenada as they've made it pretty easy there. Harder in Cabo and I haven't heard of anyone checking in in La Paz although I assume it's possible.


  5. Whoops! Just found out another downside of the Atalanta Boatyard: apparently after they close the gates at night you're pretty well confined to yourboat as they let a couple of guard dogs loose until morning. The same guy who told me this said that the boatyard adjacent to Marina de La Paz allows owners to do their own work. He was going to double-check that so I'll see if I can talk to him today and see which boatyard he's talking about and if it's true.
