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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thieves in La Paz

For the second time in the last six weeks Wind Raven was boarded by thieves. The first time they tried to get in through the companion way boards, but were thwarted by the lock. Yesterday they again failed to get into the cabin, but helped themselves to two 6 1/2 gallon water jugs that sell for around $30 in the states. They are most likely double that down here. Unfortunately, I had just cleaned them up with acetone, which did an excellent job, but also removed "Wind Raven" from them. They are unique, as I installed tire valve stems on top behind the handles in order for them to vent. My remaining two water jugs are once again marked, as if it will deter a thief.

My remaining two water jugs

Well that did it for me. As far as I'm concerned, La Paz sucks, as it has too many thieves. As soon as my FM-2 is in hand, I will leave La Paz and never return unless absolutely necessary. I will try to change my residence to the Loretto area, Where I have never experienced any theft. I just can't afford to purchase replacements for stolen items! In my opinion thieves fall into the same category as hackers and rapists!

On the bright side, I also had some welcome visitors yesterday!

So did my neighbor, Lee on Golden heart.

This guy/girl was very close to Wind Raven


  1. You need to leave a couple old jugs on deck that are not anchored down so it is easy for the thieves. Oh, and add just enough ecoli bugs in the jugs to make them get the point. I know I have a sick mind (pun intended).
    It appears that at Loreto you are more part of a small community of sailors who look out for each other.
    I have had two crazy dreams that I bought Bozel's CAL25 for $1K and had made it a project.

  2. I like that idea "Crazy" (pun intended),but that's not a dream, that's a nightmare!

  3. Well that truly sucks about the theft in La Paz. Definitely don't like to hear that. I shouldn't be too surprised as we lost one of our composite propane bottles to a thief when we first got to La Paz back in 2010. CC mentioned the jug loss to me on a comment on my blog and suggested I get some cables and locks for my diesel jugs. I think he's right as the cool modifications I had made here for storing them has also made them very easy to liberate from a dinghy alongside Siempre Sabado.

    Hope you have better luck up north.


  4. Steve,it is kind of strange, but I haven' had any problems with theft up North that I recall. Maybe it has to do with the size (population), or maybe it is like some warned me and it is other cruisers. Who knows? I'm taking some locals out fishing for Pargo and Red Snapper for the next couple of days, better hurry up if ya want some!
