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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

On The Bar

I don't know who's boat it is, but I do know they are going to be really bummed when they see their boat is up on the sand bar. I saw it right before it went aground. I guess it drifted through a bunch of anchored boats before      
it ended up on the bar. Only one cruiser seemed to be concerned about it. He got on the net and said a boat  was going to go aground and the person running the net said it was the port Captain's responsibility. Several people commented, but no one offered to try to save it. That was when I went out to look and it was already too late, as it was bumping the bar and the wind was blowing hard. There was nothing I could do in my tiny dink. It was a real bummer!



Today was what I call a Murphy's Law day. One of those days that, no matter how you approach it, or how careful you are, everything is going to turn to shit!  Except breakfast?  Nah, that too I guess, in one respect anyway. Tasted mighty fine though.


1 comment:

  1. Ah, pictures of food. My favorite. Huevos, papas y tocino. Un deayuno muy bueno.

