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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Profile

Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Thursday, December 29, 2011


Several individuals have stated that they have been reading the blog since the begining, but were unable to figure out how to make posts and how to sign up as followers so they can post comments. I have also had some followers express their disappointment in the fact that I am no longer describing our adventures, and the lack of photos of Mexico. As a result I will test joining the site and if successful, will attempt to give non- computer-geek directions. In other words "in common english."  If I can do it with geek directions, you should be able to do it with human directions. If you still have problems e-mail me at honquesp2@yahoo.com

If all goes well I will once again continue to document our adventures with photos and text.

Common english directions, I hope!

Scroll down below photo of Wind Raven galley (second large photo) on right side of the screen between smaller photo of JewDee in the salon and pictures of "Members." There you will see an elongated blue box that says "Join this site" and click on it!

A box will come up that says "Follow Jay and Judy sail Wind Raven" --if you have one of the listed accounts click on its icon and follow instructions.  If you DO NOT already have one of the listed accounts then click on the link that says "create a new Google Account" below!

A new box will then come up for you to register for a Google account (which enables you to view our sailing blog.) Fill out all info requested and then click on the box that says: "I accept. Create My Account" which is located below the "Terms of Service."

Then congratulate yourself! You DID it! You are now an Official Follower of Jay and JewDee and Their yacht, Wind Raven....WELCOME to our journey!


  1. Nice job on the instructions. I solved my problems by re-joining the site and suddenly my problems went away.

    I was wondering if you and JewDee have plans to jump across the Sea and visit with the Yoders? It may be a little warmer there buat it can't be that much warmer for the effort, unless it is on your way South to Panama or someplace like that.

  2. Hope you a a great roast chicken & a wonderful Christmas. Someday my husband & I will start cruising as of now we really learn alot from your blogs. It's quite easy day sailing & maintaining our boat. I am learning how much work it is to cruise.

  3. Coyote....We are not planning on going to Mazatlan, however Judy's sister has a time share there and if she comes down from Alaska we might go over there to visit. That will depend on flight costs and where we are at the time. Mazatlan doesn't really interest me as I have been told the water in the bay is really dirty and it isn't any warmer. We are planning on going to Guaymas at some time to haul out and do the bottom. By summer I would like to be back in the Loreto area for Dorado season.

    Miki...The chicken was a specially spiced mexican holiday chicken and it was exceptional. We wish they were available year around, yum. We are also learning how much work full time cruising can be. Don't be discouraged by our trials and tribulations, as we have had more problems than most. Even so, in my opinion it is more than worth it!

  4. Well,we are heading to Catalina for a few days, that is the extent of our cruising, 40 miles from Dana Pt to Two Harbors. Out weather has been chilly, the nights down to the low 40's here. But next week is supposed to warm up, so we will get out on the h20. Happy New Year.
