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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Yesterday I cleaned the bilge only to discover two new problems. The first being that the dripless seal on my prop shaft is leaking. At least I now know where the water is coming from and can fix it. The major problem was discovered this morning when I discovered oil in the bilge. This oil leaked in from the engine when it was not running. That leads me to believe that the oil pan has a breach in it. The pan rests on the bottom of the bilge on the front edge, so that is the likely source of the oil. I will investigate further today. If it is the source of the leak I will have to pull the engine, or at least raise it up a foot or so to get the pan off.


  1. Oh, man! It's always something.

  2. Sounds like a gallon of epoxy would do the job.

  3. Yeah Coyote, ya might have a point! That is if it continues. It seems to have quit leaking. If I'm lucky, the oil that continued to leak into the bilge was just left over from previous leaks that have been stopped.
