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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

Wind Raven
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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I’m almost ready to splash, but not quite. Iwent to a Computer Graphics place and had them make the letters for the name and home port on the stern. I painted the stern, but it was too hot of a day and the brush marks showed. I decided to sand it off and get some brushing thinner, yeah right! I am having a problem with the paint and the weather compatibility. The paint requires low humidity and mild temperatures. The weather here is hot and very humid, as in raining for the past three nights, which makes it extremely sultry during the day. It is the rainy season and I should have expected, and prepared for it! Isn't hindsight great?


The heat problem can be remedied by using a brushing solvent, but I will just have to deal with the weather. Now to locate the brushing solvent, I went into Star Marine in San Carlos yesterday to see if they had something that would work. I couldn’t believe what they had on their shelves. They had both Interlux and Petit paint in quarts, no gallons. They also had brushing thinner, but of course it was not a match for my petit paint. It was Interlux brand, but the kicker was it didn’t even match their Interlux’s required thinner. They also had some Petit spraying thinner, but it didn’t match my paint or their Petit paint. What are these people thinking?


They offered to order it for me and I just said “right, and laughed.” You see I ordered a 50 amp double pole breaker and several other items from them over six weeks ago, and nothing has come in, nor will it ever come in. Of course this forced me to buy two single pole breakers, at more expense, and wire them together so they work as a single unit. They are for the solar control panel and must be turned on/off in unison, or it will cause irreparible damage to this very expensive unit.


While I was in San Carlos I had arranged to meet a young lady that had inquired about crewing on Wind Raven. I sent her an e-mail saying that I would meet her at Star Marine at 1:30pm. Right after I sent the e-mail the internet connection crashed. I arrived at 1::20pm and was there until 1:45pm and it was a no show. When I returned to the boat I there was an e-mail from her stating that she got off work early and would meet me at a coffee shop about 100 yards from Star Marine. Of course I hadn’t seen her last e-mail, because of the internet failure, so had no idea of the change, where she was, or how to locate her. She did give me her phone # but I explained to her that I did not have a phone.


My question is; does this show a fault on her part? Since she never received a confirmation from me, shouldn’t she have walked over to Star Marine? It’s a quandary! No matter, she didn’t want to crew until December and I have five other ladies who have expressed a desire to crew around that time. I guess I will have to accept the fact that I will be single handing Wind Raven, at least for the next 300 miles, until I reach La Paz in November, or December.


I was just informed that the Immigration will put their new law, where FM-2s will be good for five years (no yearly renewal), into effect on 1/1/2013. My renewal is due in March of 2013. This creates another problem or quandary if you will. You see, I have been considering sailing south to Central America this coming winter. I mean, why stay in one place? The problem is that if I have to stay in Mexico until March to renew my FM-2, it will be too late to head south. That is unless I go way south and stay south, or make the puddle jump instead. I might be able to renew my FM-2 (for the last time) early. If I could renew under the new law in the first week of January, it might not be too late. I would like to keep all options open, if possible.I will have to send an e-mail to Olivia in La Paz and see if she knows anything yet. That is her job, but who knows? This is MEXICO!




  1. Ok you got me curious. If you only have one more FM-2 renewal and you head to central America can you transit back north past mexico to get to the US or will you have to do one big jump into international waters to get past Mexico?

  2. Let me try again.
    The current law requires FM-2 holders to renew their FM-2 every year for five years. After which time the holder can take a Spanish language test and become a legal Mexican citizen.
    The only difference with the new law is that the FM-2 will be good for five years, no yearly renewals.
    This is my understanding of the new law, however I'm sure the cost will go up considerably!
    With my renewal is in March. Therefore, If I have to stay in Mexico until March to get the new FM-2, it will be too late to head south to Costa Rica or Panama!

  3. Hey J- the lettering on the back of the boat looks great--as does the new black bottom paint.

    I remember Wendelin! Wonder if they will get back there.

    Good luck with finding crew (again)-seems like lots of promises are made but few kept in life, eh? Adios for now J
