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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Prop & shaft

The machinest (Noa), brought the shaft with prop attached back and it seems that he did a good job with it. I picked up a zink that goes on the shaft that is an inch wide. It is a much better style than was on the Max Prop. It is a lot heavier so it should last a lot longer. I was afraid that by moving the taper back on the shaft to allow for new threads, a nut and pin, that the shaft might be too short and not allow room for the zink or the shaft shark. Then I remembered a 3/4" spacer I had machined for the shaft coupling that it turned out I didn't need at the time. I located it and now can use it to lengthen the shaft if necessary.


I measured the cutlass bearing OD incorrectly, so must return to Star Marine in San Carlos on Monday to exchange it. Miguel asked if I he could go with me and I acquiesced. It will be interesting trip, as Miguel doesn't speak English and my Espanol is very limited.


I repacked the stuffing box on the rudder and hope I put enough in and it was the correct size. Only three wraps went in and I thought it would take at least four of the 5/16" asbestos stuffing material. I am afraid to tighten it down too much and crush it, but I can only hope there is no air space in it where I can't see. When I splash I will have to watch it to make sure it doesn't leak. I also replaced all four of the SS clamps on the rudder post hose.


I removed a sea-cock in the head that the drain plugs disintegrated when I tried to remove them. A fellow cruiser told me to soak the sea-cock in vinegar for 30 minutes to expose any flaws, cracks etc. I am a bit concerned about a possible future leak on the through hull, as it turned about a half inch when I was removing the sea-cock. I will try to remove the nut and re-bed it.



  1. Sounds like you are making good progress on the repairs. Looks like the fishing fleet needs to be taken out to the deep and sunk for fish habitat. The Great pictures help a lot.

  2. Yeah, it's coming along, slow but sure. The drive train is all back together, including the Dripless shaft seal. The rudder stuffing box is re-stuffed. I currently have one 1 1/4 seacock rebuilt, but need to re-seat its through-hull. The refrigerator & freezer should be back in service tomorrow. I still have a lot to do yet.
    As far as the derelicts in Mexico? They just leave them where they sink. It makes for some interesting navigation challenges at times.

  3. PS; Glad you enjoy the photos. I want to get some of Guaymas, but don't relish the thought of walking around in town with a BIG camera around my neck. I mean, I am trying to blend, ya know?

  4. It is kind of hard for a guy who is a foot taller than most locals to blend ;-). Maybe you need a backpack to hide the camera in ?

  5. What I will do if the bike sells for enough is pick up a small camera that is inconspicuas and that takes photos and videos underwater. In that way I can, not only take photos in crowded areas, but take them of reefs and fish while diving. They are getting pretty cheap, so it is a possibility.
