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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

Wind Raven
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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Yesterday morning my knee was looking like it was pregnant again. All puffed up like a woman’s belly, but still soft. Again I thought that maybe If I gave it some time it would go away. No such luck. I did not know what hours the Doctor would be in his office, because due to the hot afternoons, they still take siestas here. It would do no good to call ,as his receptionist speaks zero English. Even if I used the English Spanish dictionary to make up my question, I could not understand her answer. The day before I went in at four pm, so I thought that would be as good a time as any. Just as I arrived outside his office the doctor came around from the back. He said he had to go down the street but would be back soon. He then unlocked the office for me so I could wait inside where it was cool and then relocked it. How many doctors would allow a patient to wait in their office unattended in America? I know of none. They would make you wait outside in the heat. People here are much more trusting of their fellow man. I like that, it reminds me of America back in the 1950s.When he came back he took me upstairs and once again took out those big syringes with the bigger needles and sucked the fluid out. This time the it did not look like diluted goats blood, but real human blood. I said to the doctor, ah that’s good no? Unfortunately he said no!

Today at one pm I go to get an ultrasound (cost about $45 US). Then I go back to the Doctor’s office to discuss my options. One of which is exploratory surgery. This would be to see what is causing the problem. It could be a bone chip from when I fell three and a half stories and broke my back, among many other things. I will just have to wait and see, and so will you. That is if you are interested. Adios por ahora!

To be continued


  1. Jay,
    Sending positive thoughts for a good outcome. You bet we are all interested so please keep the updates coming. Do you want me to send you my eye patch and parrot so you can walk with a limp and also look like a pirate?
    Good Luck.

  2. Thanks for the positive thoughts, but I think I'll pass on the parrot & patch. Pirates really aren't very popular these day's, and rightfully so. I wonder when they are going get serious about them? I hear they are now returning the ships for ransome, but not the people. I think it is time to send in the special forces and wipe them out!
