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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Second time around.

The diagnosis was good on my knee, generally speaking. It is supposed to heal itself in a couple of months if I don’t abuse it. That means not bending it back excessively and wearing a knee pad when kneeling on it. Yeah right, on a sailboat? I will try to comply as much as possible. Once we are in Puerto Escondido it will be much easier to do. At the end of May Judy will be going to Portland to attend her daughter Darcie’s wedding and to visit family. She will be gone about six weeks, so if anyone wishes to come down to sail, fish, or simply kick back in the warm weather I will have plenty of room for company. I plan on doing a lot of recreational activities. Things like fishing , lounging, resting, or simply nothing.

As you can see, we now have our computer back on the internet. Did I say we lost it? I can’t remember if that was on the blog I lost. Anyway, a local business called Telcel that supplies phones and internet service has “Authorized Dealers” besides their main offices. There are many of these little dealerships in La Paz who rip off cruisers. I’m sure that some of them might be run by honest people, but most are not. They know that most cruisers leave La Paz after a couple of weeks. As a result of having this knowledge, they sell them pre-paid internet service for as long a period as possible. Once they have your money they will only buy two weeks service from the main company, no matter how much you purchased and pocket the rest. In a couple of weeks when the cruisers internet service is shut off it is too late to do anything about, because they are already at sea on their way to a new port. They are pretty bold, as they will give you a bogus receipt or cut off the top and bottom that has the Telcel logo on it. Yes we got ripped off, but only for about twenty dollars. They take advantage of Gringos not speaking Spanish, so they can’t speak with the main office employees or supervisors. We informed our friend what happened and he went to the main office for us and purchased the proper service for our computer. He also made copies of our paper work from the dealer and filed a complaint. He said that this conduct is not acceptable and hurts all businesses in La Paz. Victor is an extremely conscientious business man and very honest. A man of integrity, that we are proud to call a friend.

We will be leaving La Paz soon. I haven’t looked out yet this morning, but I’m sure Steve and Lulu are still here, as I was not awakened by any loud Velcro ripping sounds as they passed!

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