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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lazy Days

There really isn't much to write about these days, with the exception of my frustrations with equipment problems. Today Victor is coming out to the boat to find out why our VHS won't transmit on high power. I have done all I can to figure it out, to no avail I'm sad to say. I will also remove the other high pressure hose on the water maker and have a new one made up monday. Its mate blew up on our way down and got sea water in the auto pilot control box. This resulted in the auto pilot failure. We called the auto pilot manufacturer to see if they were still in business. The good news is they are. The bad news is that a new unit will cost $1600. Some more good news, (sort of) is that they will ENTIRELY rebuild our old unit with ALL new parts for $800. We can send it up to be rebuilt and Judy can pick it up when she goes up to her daughter's wedding in Oregon next month.

Yesterday I entered a cruisers dart tournament, thinking that I could still be competitive. Ha! not even. Actually it was kinda embarrasing for someone who, back in the late 80s, was an ADO representative and a world competitor. I couldn't hit anything. I could use the excuse that tournament was held in a windy area, which it was. The problem with that is that it was windy for everyone, so THAT dog won't hunt. I could mention the fact that I now wear glasses, but I remember several great players that do also. So that cup won't hold water. I could say that the torn rotator in my shoulder caused my ineptness, but in reality I know the real reason. It is lack of practice, practice, practice! I haven't thrown serious darts since the late 80s and back then I practiced on an average of at least six hours a day. As they say, "Practice makes perfect."  Hey!  If that's true, the boat must just need more practice! It was just inactive for toooo looooooooong!

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