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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


They have changed the format on the blog, so please be patient while I figure it out. I tried to post a response to Crazy Coyote's comment, but was unable to do so. As a result I will post it here.

Response to Crazy Coyote.......
Actually, this fish was a little larger than we normally want. Our freezer is acting up again so it is hard to keep food for long periods. We don't want to waste any, so we usually only keep the smaller fish. I had to keep this one though, cause Judy had never seen a Rooster fish.

The cruisers here at Ensenada Blanca got together day before yesterday, at the local Palapa Bar on the beach, for refreshments and a BS session. Ray and Diana drove over from Puerto Escondido to the Palapa Bar and called all the cruisers to join them there for refreshments. Most showed up for an interesting afternoon. Richard on Trinity informed us that two Sea Turtles had come up on the beach and laid their eggs. He said that while he was therea couple of Mexicans and the security guards from the hotel came over to watch. He also said that when he went back the next day there were wire cages around the turtle mounds. I guess the security guards are trying to protect them from harm. I hope they can also protect them from poachers. The hotel is promoting conservation and giving eco-tours. I will try to get some photos today for your perusal.

Just thought I would throw this in!

Here at Ensenada Blanca the internet is blocked on many sites. Unfortunatly, all blog URLs are blocked. As a result I must go on a very weak VDP signal that I sometimes lose in the middle of a post. This is very frustrating, because I then have to start my post all over from the beginning. That includes the uploading of photos, which take forever to upload. So please be patient and check the blog often, as when I get a good connection I might post several at the same time. Take care and have a great day!

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