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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Play Pirate Party

Pirate Days!

Yeah, we all got to play pirate last Monday at El Santuario, ( The Palapa Bar). It came off great, especially for a first. I am not sure how many showed up, but my guess would be around fifty, more or less. We even had several people show up who were getting bored with the fancy hotel and bar up the beach. The food and drink was plentiful, with the exception of Fresca which they always run out of early. Being a tea-totaler this is an inconvience, as I can’t stand coke which they always have plenty of. However, they certainly bought enough beer, as they had many, many cases left over at the end of the party. Okay, now that I’ve had ”MY” whine, I’m satiated. I will continue with the good part. The staff and manager were great, catering to all, and extremely courteous as they always are.






John from Trick came up with the idea to fix up a Hobi-Cat that was lying out behind the bar, and actually got it in sailing condition the afternoon of the party. Several People sailed it out in the bay (including Judy) and had a great time.



They had a sand castle contest, a Pirate costume contest, a kayak race, a pot-luck with barbecued chicken supplied by Diana and Ray,who also initiated and coordinated the party. The prizes were the long celebrated Pirate Booty, “A Bottle of Rum.” This did cause a small problem in the sand castle contest, as one co-winner was under age. Ray and Diana remedied this by substituting a non alcoholic prize for the upcoming pirate. One contestant had a problem, resulting in the collapse of his creation, attributing it to the consistency of the building material. I asked him to pose for a photo with his collapsed creation, but he declined. I won’t mention his name, as he obviously doesn’t want any pirate notoriety!





Most of the aging Pirates left by ten that evening, but Judy and I hung around watching the mostly younger Pirates having a great time socializing, dancing, hula hooping and just plain getting down. I will say that a few older Pirates did stay till the last dog was hung (so to speak). A couple even woke up in the wee hours minus navigation skills, with sand for a pillow. They know who they are, but I must leave this loop hole for all fellow Pirates whose reputations are at risk! I mean  a real Pirate would never risk their reputation with his/her peers by leaving a bash early, now would they?












The dancing Pirates were well worth sticking around for, their dancing was superb, and I must say, quite energetic. Man, what I would give to have that much energy once again. Unfortunately that will not happen, at least not in this lifetime. However I can at least watch and dream of those days of old!




When the party finally ran down in the wee hours, we thanked the wonderful staff, who had generously broken bread with us, collected a few slightly confused Pirates who had been abandoned on the sands by their mates, and transported them back to their vessels. It was a great day and enjoyed by all. We thank Ray and Diana for all of their efforts in bringing this event about!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Beans Tonight!

Today Thursday the15th I decided to go fish the point on the south end of the bay. I had a little cut bait that I put on my bottom jig. I made a few casts before I got a hit, but then a Dorado hit and came straight up from the bottom and into the air. He made three giant leaps before he tore the hook loose and swam away. Ten minutes later I hooked another Dorado and this time set the hook deep. The fight was on and lasted over 30 minutes before I got him close enough to gaff. Just as I reached out to gaff him, he got his second wind and started to strip the line from my reel quite rapidly. We went through this same scenario two more times, but the third and last time he won. He must have seen that sharp point on the gaff and known my intent, because he exerted a tremendous surge of power, straightening all three barbs on my treble hook, and nonchalantly swam off. That was one hell of a game fish.

The Hook
Later, Judy and I were going snorkeling and as we passed the area where I lost those two fish, Judy said; Do you hear that? It sounds like Dorado laughing!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Yellow Tail Tuna? Not!

I was fishing by the middle Candeleros for bottom fish when I caught a small (8") Jack. I put him on a live bait rig and slow trolled him about 50 yards when I hooked and landed what I thought was a Yellow Tail Tuna. I had a sneaking hunch this fish was an imposter when I filleted it, as its meat was very dark. Hmmmm!
Judy and I got on the internet and finally discovered the imposter's true identity. It turned out to be a Crevalle Jack. The common concensus is to "throw it back," cause it ain't no good! Sorry, but we disagree, I sprinkled a fillet with corn meal only and fried it up. It wasn't bad, I've eaten a lot worse. We are having it for dinner tonight and we ain't throwin it back. So there!

Just for your info Jim....It weighed an honest 30 lbs. maybe 35.

International Pirates Day

I know it seems strange to celebrate PIRATES at a time when today’s pirates are kidnapping and murdering innocent people of our ilk. In reality, they are a disgrace to humanity. However, the pirates of old have been glorified by our books and movies in the past century or so, and carry a sense of charm to today’s children regardless of age. As a result of this glorification and the desire to revert to a child’s carefree dreams of glory in a world of swashbuckling fantasy, International Pirates Day must have been created. It gives those of us who miss those long lost days of old, a chance to “let it all hang out,” so to speak, and act out those fantasies we dreamed of in our youth. And why not? Are we not all children at heart?


International Pirates Day celebration will be held at Ensenada Blanca on the 19th at the Palapa Bar down the beach from the hotel. The employees will be spending the night to enable the celebration to end when it ends. Don’t ya just love Mexico? No mandatory closing time. They are even supplying a Yurt for the use of those whose navigation skills might be questionable, due to imbibing in the spirit of their fantasies with a little too much blustery gusto!


This photo is for my beautiful daughter Tammy, so she can see just a tiny bit of what awaits her in Mexico. Oh and Tammy, they don’t bring them around until about ten. So don’t worry, you will have plenty of time to do your hair. That is if you are still that concerned with it after being here awhile!



Friday, September 9, 2011


Today I got up early and went fishing while Judy was getting her beauty sleep. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any takers, so returned to Wind Raven without any fish. This was the second day I struck out, but at least yesterday I had several fish on, including two Dorado, one of which jumped out of the water and promptly spit my lure back at me. Judy and I goofed around the boat for a while and then decided to go check out the turtle nests and get some photos of them. We boarded the dinghy and headed over to the palapa bar on the beach and noticed Steve and Lu Lu’s dinghy was pulled up on shore. We pulled ours up a little ways away and headed out towards the turtle nests. That’s when we noticed we forgot the camera. Oh well, if we wanted, we could get the photos later. We walked down the beach and viewed the nests that the hotel security people had enclosed in a wire mesh cage to belay predators, both animal and human. Judy had brought along a garbage bag that she was filling with the trash she picked up along the beach on our way. I wasn’t much help as I had not heard her say she intended to collect trash off the beach, or I would have brought along our trash grabbers. I personally don’t do well with bending over that much, with my somewhat precarious spine. As we reached the end of the beach area and headed towards the Tienda I spotted a road runner along the trail. I tried to point it out, but Judy missed it. It was just a short walk to the store where we each got a drink and ice cream. As we approached the beach again I saw two more road runners and this time Judy was able to catch sight of them. When we arrived back at the dinghy we went into the palapa bar to say hi to Steve & Lu Lu. A new employee made some very good cerviche that I was surprised to see Judy try. She had always turned her nose up at the thought of eating raw fish in the past. She agreed it was quite good and certainly ate her share. We were there a couple of hours and when we walked out to the beach the surf was up. Well it was up to a couple of feet anyway. Both of our dinghys had taken water over the stern that had to be emptied out. Steve and Lu Lu were ahead of us getting off the beach, as I had to wait for Judy to get back from the head. I watched as they started out and as Steve jumped in their dinghy it turned and a wave hit them broadside and over they went. Lu Lu had a very shocked expression on her face, and was quite wet actually. Of course so was Steve, who was trying to hold onto the boat and at the same time drag it to shore. I ran over and gave them a hand, helping to drag it to shore. He said he would bail the water that remained out, so we went to our dinghy to make our attempt. As we were heading out, the waves were coming over the bow sloshing water in, but we made it past the breakers. As I looked back to see how they were doing, I was surprised to see their boat was full of water again and they were having a bad time of it. I put the outboard in gear and made a run back to shore. Judy and I jumped out, grabbing the painter and pulled our dinghy high on the shore. (as Jay ran over to Steve and Lulu’s boat, Lulu came over to our boat and helped me pull our boat higher up onto the beach which was very sweet of her! Judy added) We then went over and helped Steve and Lulu turn their boat on its side to vacate the water. The next attempt was successful for all concerned

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


They have changed the format on the blog, so please be patient while I figure it out. I tried to post a response to Crazy Coyote's comment, but was unable to do so. As a result I will post it here.

Response to Crazy Coyote.......
Actually, this fish was a little larger than we normally want. Our freezer is acting up again so it is hard to keep food for long periods. We don't want to waste any, so we usually only keep the smaller fish. I had to keep this one though, cause Judy had never seen a Rooster fish.

The cruisers here at Ensenada Blanca got together day before yesterday, at the local Palapa Bar on the beach, for refreshments and a BS session. Ray and Diana drove over from Puerto Escondido to the Palapa Bar and called all the cruisers to join them there for refreshments. Most showed up for an interesting afternoon. Richard on Trinity informed us that two Sea Turtles had come up on the beach and laid their eggs. He said that while he was therea couple of Mexicans and the security guards from the hotel came over to watch. He also said that when he went back the next day there were wire cages around the turtle mounds. I guess the security guards are trying to protect them from harm. I hope they can also protect them from poachers. The hotel is promoting conservation and giving eco-tours. I will try to get some photos today for your perusal.

Just thought I would throw this in!

Here at Ensenada Blanca the internet is blocked on many sites. Unfortunatly, all blog URLs are blocked. As a result I must go on a very weak VDP signal that I sometimes lose in the middle of a post. This is very frustrating, because I then have to start my post all over from the beginning. That includes the uploading of photos, which take forever to upload. So please be patient and check the blog often, as when I get a good connection I might post several at the same time. Take care and have a great day!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I woke up this morning and a bowl of oatmeal tried to stare me down, so I asked Judy if she wanted to go for a ride in the Dink. She said sure, so I grabbed my rod (just in case) and we headed out for the point at the end of the bay. I dropped a jig (that’s a lure) and started pumping it up and down. Wham! I caught a trigger fish. Judy wasn’t too impressed, so I rowed over to the cliffs a couple of hundred feet away to look into the clear water for pretty reef fish. Judy likes to look at them. We rowed slowly back down the cliffs looking at the birds and pretty little fishies. Judy was now content! Me? I was frothing at the bit to go fishing some more. When the sun came out from behind the clouds, Judy decided it was getting too hot and wanted to go back to Wind Raven. I obliged her, without complaint.

I dropped her off and then it was full throttle around the point and out to the reef where I instantly caught three reef fish of various sizes in three tries. Now I’m not using a heavy ocean rod, but a light salmon steelhead rod with a small 6500 Garcia level wind reel with 10lb test line. Anyway this time it was the fourth time that was the charm. I got a hit that almost took my rod overboard, but I did manage to get the hook set and the fight was on. I fought it for about 30 minutes before I saw color, and that was of very short duration. About this time I noticed that the wind was blowing out of the South and the fish had been pulling the boat into the wind. I glanced towards shore and to my surprise it was quite distant. Damn, that fish was taking me to sea. I wedged the rod under my leg and began rowing the boat towards shore, dragging the fish along with. He fought gamely; pulling so hard my rod was bent double the whole way. Once closer to shore I decided since I had no net or gaff, to try and tail him. When I brought him alongside the Dink he rolled over on his side exhausted. I got a hold of his tail, but to my chagrin and due to my tendinitis, I could not lift him over the side. At that point I had to remedy this awkward situation expediently. I saw the hook on my jig buried deep in the jaw, so made a grab for the lures body, hoping not to grab a hook. To my relief it worked and I hauled a beautiful Rooster fish into the Dink.

When I got back to Wind Raven Judy took a photo before I filleted it. Our neighbor Gordon who has a West Sail 32 came over to watch me butcher it. The books say Rooster fish aren’t that good to eat. I call “bullshit” It was great. Gordon took some fillets back with him, so I will ask him if he liked it tomorrow. Steve and Lu lu arrived in their West Sail 28 just as I was putting the fish in the freezer, so we gave them some also. A little later Richard on “Trinity” came by for some fillets to cook. It will be interesting to see if anyone didn’t like the fish. Guess I’ll have to go fishing in the morning. We’re getting low on fillets. He! He!