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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Hi Stashgirl.....I tried to post a response to your nice comment, but the blog wouldn't let me. So I have to respond here.........
Thank you for the comment. It seems to be too much trouble for most to sign up as followers, much less take the time to comment on our posts. It isn't easy for me to take time out to write and post photos of our trip. When I get no responses to my posts it has a tendency to make me lose interest in them, and only use the blog for a ship record of repairs and technical data, that I can use for future reference. There are around ten people who said they would sign up as followers, but have not done so. Unfortunately, if they don't sign up they can't make comments, which the lack of, discourages the person making the posts. It is kind of a vicious circle I suppose, with the ones complaining most likely being the cause of the lack of interest on my part.
As far as the USA? I gave up years ago on there ever being anything done for the working class by our corrupt elected officials. They only have their own self interest in mind. The only way to straighten out the USA is to overthrow our corrupt government and start over with a government of and for the working class. Unfortunately, that will never happen, due to the fact that most Americans are lazy cowards and always have been. Did you know that less than five percent of "The able bodied Americans" actually fought in the American Revolution? So now, in my humble opinion, it is up to God..........

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