Upon Judy’s return I was surprised to discover that some people were dissatisfied with my subject matter on the blog. It is my understanding that those individuals wish to read more about us. Okay, but you must be more specific, and address your issues with the person who is writing the posts that you have issues with. I would be more than happy to write about whatever portions of our adventure you would like. To those that have voiced complaints (not to me personally), I would suggest that you use the comment section at the end of each post for your suggestions, comments, or complaints, that is what it is for. In this way we can address them in a timely and prudent manner, and hopefully give you what you so desire. If it is not possible to comply with your wishes at the time, at the least it will give me the opportunity to explain why I cannot do so. A good example would be the situation I have been in since we arrived in Puerto Escondido. We had several issues with the boat that I intentionally neglected on our sail from La Paz. I had decided to do so in order to “have some fun” rather than spending all of my time working on the boat. We had a great time sightseeing and exploring that I covered on the blog. Unfortunately, when one allows work to pile up while indulging in “fun activities” one is then faced with a large amount of work/repairs and maintenance issues that have caused more work due to said neglect. This is the situation I faced when we arrived in Puerto Escondido. Other than the two weeks that Bill visited, all I have done is work on the boat so that when Judy got back I could take time to go out to the islands and enjoy the beautiful area. Judy brought a lot of new and repaired equipment back with her that I will be working on while we are out “having fun” in the sea. Along with hopefully the fun posts you folks will have to put up with a record of my work on the boat, as this blog is also just that (a written record) of maintenance and repairs for future reference by yours truly.
Judy has promised to be more diligent on her blog entries, for those of you who wish to read a more entertaining side of sailing. I simply don’t have the time to do so at this point. Someday I hope to have all of the issues addressed and make that “once in a lifetime sail” with no breakdowns, repairs or maintenance issues required. BUT DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATH!
Friday, July 15, 2011
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People have complaints?Good grief! They should try sailing a boat down the west coast with so many problems and breakdowns- it's not easy.
ReplyDeleteWe are enjoying "summer" with fog and occasional rain but at least we aren't suffering a heat wave like back east is enduring.All of "my" swallows have fledged and are now soaring high above my little home on their new wings. I even had a nest tucked into the frame work of the "dirt" room. To see it I had to climb an extension ladder in the garage.The economy continues to crash and the "goobermint" continues to give tax breaks to the rich and big corporations while cutting services for the neediest people, the sick, the poor and the old - just like "repuglicons" do. A POX on both their houses!
Just ignore the people who complain, they don't know what they are talking about I think you have enough problems without worrying about what some bone head thinks.
Good Sailing and enjoy your journey.