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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Wind Raven

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Friday, May 27, 2011


I'm getting ready to have some company from Seattle ( Bill M.), who will be here for ten days or so. Hopefully my long time friend ( Jim D. ) will be able to make it down before Bill leaves. I know they would get along great, as they are the two of the mellowest people I know. We plan on doing a lot of sailing and fishing, weather permitting. I can only hope that the water temperature increases so the Dorado move in. At present the fishing is not the best, due to colder than normal water temps. That's the bad news, now for the good side. If the water is cold it means no hurricanes, and since this IS hurricane season, that’s a damned GOOD thing. So ya see, if ya look hard enough there is always a good side to, well, almost everything! You sure couldn’t tell by the weather yesterday though. It was pretty damn hot all day, with not a breath of wind. I invested a considerable amount of time searching out, and fishing for bait fish. I finally located some and unfortunately discovered that they are not that easy to catch. The ones I found have a lower jaw that protrudes about three inches out in front of their upper jaw. Kind of like a mini sword fish, except a sword fish has the protrusion on the upper jaw I believe. Anyway, after about three hours I had a grand total of.........TWO! Like I said; they just aren't that easy to catch. At least I got to try out my new live bait well. It consists of a bucket with a battery operated bubble stone. It worked great. It was still bubbling away when I got back to the boat, even after the baitfish died. I think the water got too hot for them in the direct sun. Next time I'' try a shade cover, or maybe a chunk of ice in the bucket. Oh well, they froze up well, and as long as they stay frozen, they shouldn’t stink up the fridge too much.

I will take Judy to the airport Friday to fly out to Portland. She has been Jones-in for a hamburger, so we will go to Del Borrachos for....what we consider..........the best damn hamburgers this side of Alaska! Yum! Yum! Three days later I get to Meet Bill at the airport, and of course treat him to a burger at Del Borrachos. Now I'm Jones-in just thinking about it. Two great burgers in one week, I can't wait.

The fish I caught was called a trigger fish. It's kind of shaped like a sun fish, but with the eye almost on top of its head. Kind of weird looking, but very, very good eating. There are tons of jumping Mullet here in the bay. Judy and I went out about a week ago and I snagged one to use for cut-bait. There were hundreds of them not far from our boat and very easy to snag. No, you can't catch them with bait, I tried, but couldn't get the plankton to stay on the hook. No matter how hard I tried those little guys just wouldn't hang.

I'm still having a few problems with the boat, but I am going to put them on hold until my company leaves. It's time to say "GONE FISHING"

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