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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Sunday, October 31, 2010

A glimmer of hope

The weather, (Sea) forecast is once again promising a glimmer of hope. Even with large bumpy seas, if all remains as is, we will be granted a three to four day window, in which delusions of grandeur now exist. We will be praying to the Great Chief in the sky, that we may be granted this long awaited passage. As Charleston, Oregon is definitely NOT the place we wish to spend the winter. We lust for milder climates. Oh, what we would give for 80 degree temps with blue water and calm seas. Yeah, yeah, I know…..Dream On!

We have been making good use of our time here. Catching up on Maintenance and installing a few items that have been lying dormant on the “To Do” list. I am still having a problem with the charging of the house batteries. The only way I can get them to take a charge, is to put the control switch on ALL. The house batteries are supposed to be isolated from the others, by putting the main switch on #1. The problem is that on # 1 they won’t take a charge from any source, Alt, Solar, or AC power plug. That is unless, as stated before, I change the main battery to ALL. I am a little concerned about this, because if anything pulls excessive amps, including a short, it will drain all the batteries except the capstan battery. This battery is isolated with its own switch. The emergency use of that battery would prove difficult, as it is located in the chain locker. If we ever catch up with Steve & Lodie, I will call on his “expertise,” even if I have to grovel a bit.

In our current dreams we will reach Moss Landing next week. In reality, where will we be at this time next week? Only God knows that! Sure do hope he’s on our side!


  1. Jay,

    Just a thought but with the charge switch in all can you cook the engine 12V battery while maintaining the 4 house 6V batteries? You may want to isolate the engine battery once it has a full charge and then reconnect it when you want to start the engine. Just a thought and I figure that the battery is stuck way down under the cockpit someplace where you have to be double jointed everyplace to get to it.

    Have a good sail and talk to you when you get to Moss Landing.


  2. Here's hoping the weather and sea gods treat you right.

    Batteries: I've had my share of issues as well. It sounds like all your charging sources are connected to your starting bank only unless you switch the battery switch to ALL. Do you have something that connects your charging sources to both banks, other than the battery selector switch? We use a Blue Seas ACR (Automatic Charging Relay). You do need some way to divide the charge between the banks. Our AC charger can do two separate banks at the same time but the solar panels and alternator have to go through the ACR. Some solar charge controllers have the capability of doing 2 separate banks. Ours doesn't so we need the ACR to split the charge.

    Hurry up and get down here. The weather and sea state is just what you're looking for. Supposed to get hot this week,
