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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Changing Reports

At two this morning the alarm drug us out of bed, only to discover the NOAA sea condition report had changed. Our predicted window slammed shut. Now with nine ft waves dominated by 4 ft wind waves driven by high winds out of the west. The Wx report was even worse with Hazardous Sea warnings for small crafts. I guess we hang tight here till the two storms coming up the coast pass by. Supposedly this will be next weekend. We could make it to Crescent City (116 NM), but it would be a miserable, extremely cold trip.
Oh well, there is always something that needs to be done on the boat. I have a cabinet that is full of things
" to be installed"  There is also the Interphase 180 se sonar that I can install all of, except the port transducer, which I have to install another thru-hull for. Will have to wait until we haul out in Ensenada to do that. The weather is supposed to turn nasty here on Thursday, so will have to plan my work accordingly.
We walked to Englund Marine yesterday to get a spot light. They only had two in stock. A 60,000 candle power one, which would be useless, and a LED one that was measured at 500 lumens. The salesman said the Sheriffs Dept. liked them so well that they bought several for their boats. What I want to know is how do I compare the intensity of lumen's to candle power? Guess I'll check the Internet. The price on the LED seemed high at $116.00. I've never seen such ridiculous prices as when they say "marine."

Judy's version:

After spending days in this dirty marina I was so excited to think we would finally get to leave...then we woke up at 2 in anticipation of salvation from this yucky port only to have the weather change and thwart our plans...guess God must have something else in mind for us this week.....wish we were further south like Steve and Lulu and Steve and Lodie......we will make it I know....to the sunshine...but they say patience is a virtue but mine is getting thin.....the only saving grace here seems to be the fact that the sun has been shining every day we've been here and all the people we've encountered have been extremely nice.....so we will wait till Captain Jay says it's time to leave............

1 comment:

  1. Bummer about the weather. We are SO glad to be done with the Oregon coast. It just likes to screw with you.

    About the spotlight. Are you talking about a handheld? If so, catch the bus in to town and go to Fred Meyers. We bought an EXTREMELY bright rechargeable handheld spotlight (Stanley) for about $40. Don't remember the candlepower on it but it is really bright. It's the "2M" model.

    Good luck on getting out of there.

