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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Friday, July 2, 2010


My progress came to an abrupt halt yesterday when my foot slipped off the stern while drilling a hole in the solar panel frame. This resulted in a very abrupt downward motion, until my new stern rail caught me, preventing a cold immersion in the bay. Unfortunately, this nefarious rail performed its function by catching me under my rib cage. Needless to say, Today I shall visit the saw bones (DR.) to determine why I can no longer put on my socks without whining like a baby. The good news is my newly built stern rail is "HELL FOR STOUT." It didn't budge one iota, as my ribs now screamingly testify!

We shall now test the validity of my health insurance at the local Hospital and Pharmacy, to give my wife a break from this constant whining baby that lurks inside the macho facade we males are so prevelant in displaying. Hope you all have a better day than mine was yesterday.


  1. Holy crap, Jay! You've got to watch that stuff. Wouldn't want to be laid up at sea. Having watched you work for the past couple of days, I'd say you need the time off anyway. Get well. And, whatever you do, don't sneeze!


  2. Jay,
    We are going to have to install a bungy cord from the top of the mast to keep you from hurting yourself. Hope you are feeling better.
