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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Working, for now!

Yeah everything is working, for now. The inverter started working on its own after a couple of days. It would work for awhile and then refuse to come on until I hooked up the generator. At that point, when I disconnected the generator it would stay on and work. Of course eventually it would change its mind and shut down, refusing to put anything out. Two days ago was the last time it went through this process and it seems to have given up its contrary ways. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

As for the refrigerator? Well it works too, kinda. It actually does work, but I had to cut the 110V supply to the servo valve and splice on a wall plug. In this way I can activate the servo, which then opens and allows R12 to flow to the refrigerator side. Long story short, I'm the manual refrigerator thermostat. This is a temporary fix until Jim & I get back from our sailing/fishing trip.

Crazy Coyote (Jim) will arrive (via Big Bird) around 4:30 this afternoon. Why do I say around, because this is the land of manana. Mexico and Mexicans run on what we call "Mexico Time." One time I asked a Mexican worker when he would be finished with a job. He said manana. The next day he was still not finished so I asked him again, and again he said manana. Since I didn't speak Spanish well, I thought maybe something was lost in the translation. A few days later I was visiting a Mexican friend and asked him what exactly does manana mean? Well, he walked me over to a calendar on the wall, pointed to it and asked "do you see a manana on there?" So, I was enlightened. It doesn't mean tomorrow. It only means " Not Today."

I guess I got a bit off the subject matter, must be getting old, carrying on like that. Anyway Jim and I will spend the day tomorrow here so that he can experience the genuine taste of Mexico, especially the food. I plan on taking him to a small street-side cafe where they have real Mexican food. Tomorrow evening we will go to Rancho Viejo where we will order a kilo of Arrancherra (Sp?). This is what we call flank steak, but they marinate it for a long time and then wrap it around an upright spit. This spit rotates slowly in front of a fire and when the outer layer is cooked they shave it off and serve it. It is extremely tender and very tasty! Yum, I can't wait, can you? Really, ya better come down and try it while ya have the chance!

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