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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Profile

Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Sunday, March 27, 2011


It's three in the afternoon and we accomplished enough today to knock off and enjoy an evening with our friends Steve and Lulu. As we were finishing up the port side of the bottom painting, Lulu stoped by to invite us to dinner. Naturally we accepted her gracious invitation, as she was aware of our situation when painting (no water), from their previous experiences painting while living aboard. I decided to put the faring blocks off until tomorrow, and help Judy with the painting. The bottom is now painted, sort of. The port side is all green but we ran out of paint on the starboard side. It will be okay as is because we sanded the old paint to bring out the minerals. It should work just fine, but if they have a quart more paint, we might make it all match. Don't really need to, but we have this impulse to just do it! See what you think!

Starboard side

 Port side


  1. Yes, one more quart of that green. It looks so nice. :-)

  2. Thanks, Judy will go in this morning to see if they have any more paint to match. If not, the fish will just have to "deal with it."

  3. :-)

    I'm soooo happy for you two!
