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Now single male in search of true freedom via the cruising life on the high seas.

Wind Raven

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Wind Raven

Wind Raven
Wind Raven Galley

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Crew Member Lost Overboard

Yesterday we had to say good bye to a faithful crew member who was a part of our family for over a year. Everyone who came aboard met our cat "Boogie." He is so smart and attentive to his humans that we were even able to "potty train" him to use a human toilet----at least for #1........He tried very hard to become a good crew member, but at every sail outing he became violently ill with or without his sea sickness and anti-anxiety meds. Since, as we all know, cats can't "talk" in a language we stupid humans can understand he tried to "signal" us that he did NOT want to live on a boat......his messages were: 1) not using his cat box for #2 AND 2) sweetly snuggling up to Jay and I, acting all loving at first and then giving us a "bite" on the face.....day before yesterday he did it to Jay's cheek and actually drew blood. Then, we believe, his message became vividly undeniable: "Get me outta here you idiots, can't you SEE how MISERABLE I AM??????"

So we realized we had a decision to make----I called my daughter Moriah and she said she would take him if we could "send" him up----she lives in Sweet Home and we are in Coos Bay......we don't have a car so I called our faithful buddy, Gary, in Winchester who we met in Newport. He has a sailboat and lives on it also. Long story short Gary said his brother goes to Sweet Home every other day or so, so Gary called him and worked it out for us. So yesterday Gary came to Coos Bay, took us shopping and we passed on Boogie to Gary in his cat carrier with all his toys, dishes, etc. and Gary in turn passed Boogie and his acoutrements to his brother who then drove Boogie up to Sweet Home right to my daughter's door and delivered him! My kids and grandkids all love Boogie and it was especially meaningful to my granddaughter Haley as she took a shine to him and unfortunately her previous cat had been killed by a car just a few months ago.

As soon as Boogie is able to let Moriah's Chihuahua, Oscar, know who the "boss" is, I am sure they will get along. Sure beats having to make Boogie "walk the plank." I am sad but relieved as I know now that it wasn't fair to Boogie to have to endure all that sea sickness and boat life when his main career used to be hunting mice and other creatures on land. But I bet Boogie will have some great sea story adventures to share with his land lubbing kitty buddies........farewell, sweet Kitty Prince, you WILL be missed............Cat Mom Judy


  1. Maybe when you get down to warmer weather you can look into getting a parret. I can picture the things Jay would teach it to say when the coast guard comes for inspections. Things like "Give me bear mate" or "All hands hide in the foot locker". Hope you get going soon and have good weather.

  2. Yo, Coyote, I appreciate your idea, but I think that I am "done" with having any kind of pets. I hear that Boogie is doing great with my kids and grandkids........but I still miss who I used to refer to as "Jay and my adopted 'black child.'
